A borehole is likely to be an attractive option if you have any of the following problems:
• excessive costs due to high consumption of mains water;
• insufficient or unreliable water supply;
• grossly contaminated water from a well or spring source;
• a well or spring supply which dries up in a drought; or
• a new supply is needed where a mains supply would be very expensive to install.
The quantity and quality of the water obtained from a borehole depend on the nature of the rock strata into which the hole is drilled. There is no need to apply for an abstraction licence if the quantity is less than 20cu.m/day (4400gal/day).
In some areas, water supplies taken from boreholes contain acidity or minerals such as iron salts in quantities which exceed the limits set out in the current Drinking Water Standards. We design and install treatment systems to eliminate quality problems of this kind.